Happiness Jar
As a year closes and a new one unfolds we often look back and evaluate how our year was spent. We make resolutions and goals for the New Year and imagine the life we want in the coming months. Whether we stick to these resolutions or fall back into our old habits, we usually begin the year with optimism and determination.
If you are looking for just one wonderful thing that you can do for yourself in the coming year, we highly suggest creating your Happiness Jar. Its a very simple thing but could possibly have such a large impact on your life and your happiness.
So, what exactly is this “happiness jar”? It’s simply just writing down one thing that made you happy each day and placing it in a jar to keep and compile throughout the year. We reused our Wacky Apple applesauce jar to hold all of our happy and wonderful moments.
You may be amazed at how much happiness comes from such little things in your day. You may also be amazed that you can even find happiness in a day filled with sorrow or sadness. You may even be amazed that amongst these tiny moments, when you look back on a year of these moments they feel like the largest moments of your life.
Give yourself this small gift so that you, too can find that happiness can only come from within you and how joyful and happy a year can truly be.